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Posted by GKRTrev - - 1 comments

The same as the first animation, but with a few tweaks I exaggerated the squash and stretch on the first bounce. I have to say I am quite happy with this.

Posted by GKRTrev - - 0 comments

First Animation of the school year, a bouncing ball. this exorcise is to practice some of the fundamentals of animation, and doesn’t necessarily need incredible drawing skills, it’s a task that is mainly focused on animation, here I have tried to get the timing correct for my ball bounce such as the ball accelerating as it falls and slows down as it reaches a top of an arch. We all also little bit of squash and stretch as the ball hits the floor its squashes and then pings off again. This one is a bit quick perhaps the speed of a table tennis ball. I also think this animation will benefit with a tad more squash and stretch.